
Baby Tally wants YOU to read this important information!

We hope you’ve had a chance to view our other pages and have gained some insights into this wonderful breed.  We are always happy to “talk dogs” and help prospective buyers find the right pup for them, even if it isn’t one of ours.  The English Shepherd is a true gem in the dog world; an “American original” that has retained its traditional character despite generations of breeding.  Much of the credit, I believe, is due to those breeders who throughout the generations not only bred their dogs, but used them in the capacity for which they were bred; as all around farm helpers and stock dogs.    
Unfortunately, in this day of designer dogs, “beauty pageant” dog shows and internet advertising, the English Shepherd is at risk.  There is an increasing number of unethical breeders and puppy mills who have noticed this beautiful, intelligent dog and are breeding pups solely for profit.  When looking for a pup, please take responsibility for researching and asking questions of the breeders you seek to work with.


We carefully match pups/owners to ensure the best placement.  These matches are determined somewhere around the 6-8 week mark. We ask our owners to trust us with the decision making process. We spend countless hours with our pups from the day they are born, evaluating and getting to know each one. Our primary placement consideration is temperament/personality. All things being equal, preferences for more superficial characteristics like color/markings will be considered. They say beauty is as beauty does and we believe the prettiest dog is the one that you can happily live and work with! To that end we request that interested parties fill out our puppy buyer questionnaire so we can get an idea of what your needs and expectations are. All our pups are sold on a contract.  This is done so that both breeder and buyer can be on the same page with their expectations. Review the terms and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.